
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
A Mistake in Many Ways: Ep2 The Beatles Thing is Over
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Thursday Aug 11, 2022
Episode two of our series provides a comprehensive examination of Paul’s state of mind in autumn of 1969. We discuss the deluge of problems he faces and consider how this confluence of issues triggers one of the worst episodes of Paul’s life. How might this depression have impacted Paul’s ability to interpret and respond to John’s continuing attempts to communicate through the media?
We dissect four key interviews (and a surprisingly overt personal gesture) from John, identifying and tracking the gradual evolution of his outreach to Paul as the communication gap between the two men grows ever wider and deeper.
You Never Give Me Your Money THE BEATLES (1969)
Cold Turkey PLASTIC ONO BAND (1969)
Cold Turkey (live Lyceum Ballroom) PLASTIC ONO BAND (1969)
I’ll Be Home for Christmas THE BEACH BOYS (1964)
Man We Was Lonely PAUL MCCARTNEY (1970)
John Lennon Interview w/ John Small WKNR-AM (October 22, 1969)
“Paul is Still With Us” Paul McCartney LIFE Interview (Nov 7, 1969)
“The Ex-Beatle Tells His Story” Paul McCartney LIFE Interview (March 1971)
"Meet the Beatles: A Cultural History Of The Band That Shook Youth, Gender and The World" by Steven D. Stark. (2005)
“This is your brain on fatherhood: Dads experience hormonal changes too, research shows” By Alan Boyle NBC News (June 15, 2013)
“Beatles are on the Brink of a Split” (Dec 13, 1969)
George Harrison Interview Howard Smith, WABC-FM New York (April 25/May 1, 1970)
John Lennon & Yoko Ono interview with Marshall McLuhan in Toronto (Dec 21, 1969)
A Private Talk w/ Ritchie Yorke (Dec 23, 1969)
Peter McCabe and Robert Schonfeld, St Regis (Sept 5, 1971)
Tune In, Mark Lewisohn (2013)

Thursday Aug 04, 2022
A Mistake in Many Ways: Ep1 I Want a Divorce
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
Thursday Aug 04, 2022
“I always felt the split was a mistake in many ways.” -John Lennon, 1976.
In this series, Phoebe and Daphne will argue that the breakup of the Beatles was an accident, the result of insecurity, hurt feelings and misread signals. Backed by rigorous research, we’ll analyze the events between September 1969 and April 1970 with probity, thoughtfulness and empathy.
Episode One will examine the divorce meeting that triggers the six-month-long standoff between John & Paul. We'll discuss Paul’s reactions, both in the moment and over the following week. We’ll also dissect some striking statements from John in a revealing interview he gives just days after the divorce meeting.
Australia Women’s Weekly (May 5 1976)
McCartney LP press release (1970)
Get Back Dir. Peter Jackson (2021)
Heightened Awareness, audio clip (Jan 13, 1969)
“Why The Beatles Broke Up” by Mikal Gilmore, Rolling Stone (Sept 3, 2009)
The Beatles: The Biography by Bob Spitz (2005)
Many Years From Now by Barry Miles (1997)
The Lyrics Paul McCartney ed. Paul Muldoon (2021)
“Why The Beatles Broke Up; The Story Behind our Cover” by Mikal Gilmore, Rolling Stone (Aug 18, 2009)
The Beatles Anthology (1995)
John Lennon, interview w/ Barry Miles, (partially) unpublished. (September 23rd, 1969)
Scene and Heard, BBC (Feb 28, 1970)
John Lennon Audio diary clip (Sept 5, 1979)
John Lennon Interview w/ Jean-François Vallée (April 1975)
Lennon Remembers by Jann Wenner, Rolling Stone (1970)
You Never Give Me Your Money THE BEATLES (1969)
The End THE BEATLES (1969)
Glasses PAUL MCCARTNEY (1970)
Cold Turkey (demo) JOHN LENNON (1970)
Dizzy Miss Lizzy PLASTIC ONO BAND (1969)
Sun King THE BEATLES (1969)
Don’t Let Me Down 28.45 THE BEATLES (1969)
Kreen-Akrore PAUL MCCARTNEY (1970)
Because THE BEATLES (1969)
Child of Nature THE BEATLES (1968)
Everybody’s Talking NILSSON (1969)
Momma Miss America PAUL MCCARTNEY (1970)

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
In My Life: AKOM Talks w/ Rob Sheffield
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Topics include: the backstory, inspiration and notable elements of the song; band dynamics of the mid-60s Beatles; Paul McCartney’s influence and impact on In My Life; George Harrison’s 1974 concert tour; John Lennon’s social media presence.
In My Life BEATLES (1965)
Girl THE BEATLES (1965)
HELP! (1965)
And Your Bird Can Sing THE BEATLES (1966)
In My Life (live) GEORGE HARRISON Long Beach, CA (Nov 10, 1974)
Dreaming the Beatles, Rob Sheffield 2017
'McCartney 3, 2, 1’: The Beatle, the Producer and Oh, That Magic Feeling by Rob Sheffield July 13, 2021
24 Reasons We’ll Keep Watching the Beatles’ ‘Get Back’ Forever by Rob Sheffield Nov 29, 2021
Morning Joe, MSNBC Nov 30, 2021
Lennon Remembers, by Jann Wenner for Rolling Stone (1970)
Paul McCartney in His Own Words (1976) by Paul Gambaccini
John Lennon to Playboy Magazine, (1980) reprinted in All We Are Saying by David Sheff, 2000
The Beatles Afterword (1985) by Hunter Davies (originally published 1968)
“AI used to solve disputed songwriting credits of Beatles hits” by Alex Matthews-King INDEPENDENT July 6, 2019
George Harrison: Lumbering in the Material World by Ben Fong-Torres Dec 19, 1974
John Lennon Instagram, June 18 2022

Tuesday May 17, 2022
AKOM Live in Seattle! GotBack Concert Report
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Tuesday May 17, 2022
Live on Location in Seattle at Paul McCartney's Got Back tour:
Phoebe and Daphne share their joyous experience at this May 2022 show and have a lively discussion about the performance by Paul, Rusty, Brian, Wix and Abe. *MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS*

Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Dr. Allison Bumsted joins Phoebe and Daphne to discuss how rock journalism in the 1970s re-shaped Paul McCartney’s critical reputation for the next three decades (and beyond).
Also discussed in this episode: authenticity, gatekeeping, rock aesthetics and rhetoric, hyper-masculinity and the inherent inclusivity of pop.
Paul McCartney interviewed on Radio Luxembourg May 12, 1973
Something About the Beatles, “Critiquing the Critics” Episodes 176a and 176b
A Women’s History of the Beatles, Christine Feldman-Barrett (2021)
The Beatles and the Historians, Erin Torkelson-Weber (2016)
Truant Boy: Art, Authenticity and Paul McCartney, Martin Shough (2017)
Faking It: The Quest for Authenticity in Popular Music, Yuval Taylor and Hugh Barker (2007)
“Main Lines, Blood Feasts, and Bad Taste: A Lester Bangs Reader,” Lester Bangs (2003)
“Physical Graffiti” review by Jim Miller, Rolling Stone (March 27, 1975)
John Landau reviews RAM, (July 8, 1971)
Wildlife review by John Mendelssohn, Rolling Stone (Jan 20, 1972)
Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, written by Allen Evans, NME (May 20, 1967)
“The Jefferson Airplane and the San Francisco Sound,” Ralph J Gleason (1969)
“Just Two Superstars from Middle Rock,” NY Times (Aug 3, 1975)
“Imagine” review by Ben Gerson (Oct 28, 1971)
“The Former Beatle Gets Personal” Paul Gambincini, Rolling Stone (Jan 31, 1974)
“Records: Paul McCartney and Wings” Band on the Run review by Dave Downing, Let it Rock (1974)
Band on the Run review, Jon Landau (1974)
“Paul and Linda McCartney: Bionic couple serves it your way” Lester Bangs, Creem: 34–39 and 72–73 (1976)
“Yesterday, Today and Paul” Rolling Stone, Ben Fong-Torres (June 17 1976)
"Paul McCartney & Wings" Rolling Stone page 14; Paul Gambaccini (June 21 1973)
Life Magazine (November 7, 1969)
“Man of the Year” Rolling Stone, Jann Wenner (February 7, 1970)
“Sound effects: Youth, Leisure, and the Politics of Rock ‘n’ Roll” Simon Frith. New York: Pantheon Books (197.)
"Rod Stewart’s Holiday Turkey: Blondes Have More Fun Review" Rolling Stone, Janet Maslin (Feb 8, 1979)
"Every Picture Tells a Story" Review Rolling Stone, John Mendelsohn (July 8, 1971)
Pete Wiley, Robert Christgau, Matt Brennan, Holly Tessler, Leonard Feather, Leroy Jones, Barbara Gardner, Nat Hentoff, Simon Frith, Jim DeRogatis
My social (Inast and Twitter @Allison Bumsted)
Website: www.allisonbumsted.com (I update it with what's happening)
Book Link: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-85543-7
Chapter Link:: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-85543-7_5 (ask your local library to get a hold of the book!)
The Mess (live at the Hague) WINGS
Band on the Run PAUL McCARTNEY & WINGS
Wildlife WINGS
I Am Your Singer WINGS
Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey PAUL & LINDA MCCARTNEY
Rockshow WINGS

Friday Feb 18, 2022
AKOM on GET BACK: Four Sides of a Square
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
The third and final episode in our Get Back analysis is dedicated to Band Dynamics- the working and personal relationships within the Beatles and how all those conflicts, bonds and loyalties interact.
We also take a look at the Get Back deadlines; Were they as crazy as we think?
Join Phoebe, Daphne, Iris and Thalia for this lively, thoughtful and engrossing panel.
The Banality of Genius: Notes on Peter Jackson's Get Back, Ian Leslie (Jan 26 2022)
Get Back, dir. Peter Jackson (2021)
John Lennon Interview w/ DJ John Small (October 22nd, 1969)
Beatles Anthology, dir. Geoff Wonfor; Bob Smeaton (1995)
Peace and Love, Broken Record podcast w/ Rick Rubin (Sep 21, 2021)
Ringo Interview from: Understanding McCartney/Ep 5, dir breathless345 (2020)
Ringo Starr Interview w/ Howard Stern (2000)
Felix Dennis quote from: You Never Give Me Your Money: The Battle for the Soul of the Beatles, Peter Doggett (2009)
Playboy interview w/ Allen Klein (1971)
Solid State, The Story of Abbey Road and the End of the Beatles, Ken Womack (2019)
Maureen Starkey interview (published 1998)
Tune In, Mark Lewisohn (2013)
Beatles on the Roof, Tony Barrel (2017)
With a Little Help from My Friends, the Making of Sergeant Pepper, George Martin (1994)
Maximum Volume: The Life of Beatles Producer George Martin (The Early Years, 1926-1966) Ken Womack (2018)
Philip Norman (?)
Playback: An Illustrated Memoir, George Martin (2002)
Let it Be, dir Michael Lindsay-Hogg (1970)
George Harrison, Guitar World: When We Was Fab. (1992)
THE LYRICS, Paul McCartney and Paul Muldoon (2021)
Many Years From Now, Barry Miles (1997)
Peter Jackson on Stephen Colbert (Nov 25, 2021)
*ADDENDUM- We erroneously state that the Beatles' contract in September 1969 requires seven Beatles/Solo albums per year until 1976. The Beatles were in fact only required to produce TWO albums per year until 1976. Apologies for this errror.

Friday Feb 04, 2022
AKOM on GET BACK: Brothers, Friends, Bandmates
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
AKOM on GET BACK: Brothers, Friends, Bandmates
Episode 2 is all about George, Paul and George & Paul; we take a look into their dynamic as bandmates, friends and surrogate brothers. We also examine George as a Producer for insight into the creative conflicts between Paul and George.
Other topics include: The Beatles’ Rooftop Performance, Eric Clapton and Scenes that Surprised Us.
Get Back, dir. Peter Jackson (2021)
"Why the Beatles Broke Up" by Mikael Gilmore for Rolling Stone (2000)
"Paul McCartney: the Musical Genius with Staying Power" The Times UK, Caitlin Moran (Dec 25, 2021)
George Harrison, NME: This Song. (December 11th, 1976)
“The Banality of Genius: Notes on Peter Jackson's Get Back” Ian Leslie (Jan 26 2022)
George Harrison, Guitar World: When We Was Fab. (1992)
Paul McCartney on Egypt Station, NME interview w/ Dan Stubbs (2018)
"Beatlesongs," William J Dowlding (1989)
"Get Back Halftime Report" on Hey Dullblog
Geoff Emerick interview w/ Alan Light for Blender.com (2009)
George Martin interviewed by Richard Buskin (March 3,1987)
"Behind the Locked Door," Graeme Thomson (2013)
Michael Lindsay Hogg, Interview for Radio New Zealand (Dec 4, 2021)
Paul McCartney interview with Parkinson (1997)

Saturday Jan 29, 2022
AKOM on GET BACK: Love, Heroin and the Power of Editing
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Saturday Jan 29, 2022
Part 1 in a 3-part conversation about Peter Jackson’s documentary epic, GET BACK.
Join Phoebe and Daphne for a discussion of Peter Jackson's most controversial edits, Yoko’s celluloid makeover, the state of John & Paul’s relationship and the invisible interloper, heroin.
Get Back, dir. Peter Jackson (2021)
Michael Lindsay Hogg, Interview for Radio New Zealand (Dec 4, 2021)
Understanding Lennon/McCartney vol 2, dir. breathless345 (2022)

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
BONUS EP 3: Marriage Mythology
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Join Phoebe and Sam Whiles, host of Paul or Nothing podcast, as they discuss the cinematic portrayals of the McCartney and Lennon marriages. What mythology do they create for themselves? What does the public (fans, authors and outside media) project onto them? How have their images changed over time?
Movies discussed in this episode: The Linda McCartney Story (2000) and John and Yoko: a Love Story (1985).
Paul or Nothing:

Saturday Dec 25, 2021
BONUS EP 2: John & Yoko, a Love Story
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Saturday Dec 25, 2021
Join Phoebe and Sam Whiles, host of Paul or Nothing podcast, as they discuss the TV movie John and Yoko: A Love Story (1985).
Paul or Nothing: